Added .add_function() function in the .Rprofile as wrapper to correctly add a function to the package in interactive mode.
Added 01-dev_cycle.R as supporting script during package development.
Added automating GitHub-Actions for lint (use_github_action("lint")) and coverage (use_github_action("test-coverage")).
Added automating GitHub-Actions for CMD-checks on win/linux and mac and on the latest release of R and on R-devel triggered by pushes on the main master branch and on linux and latest R release only from the develop branch (use_github_action_check_standard(), plus a customized copy for the develop branch).
Added support for testthat (use_testthat()), and created R/foo.R and tests/testthat/test-foo.R file as base example and template; Added also tests/testthat/setup.R to include additional support from checkmate.
Added automation for creation and update of the package website (use_pkgdown_github_pages()) and corresponding badge in the README (badge_custom()).
Added MIT licence (use_mit_license()) and Code of Conduct (use_code_of_conduct).
Added CRAN (use_cran_badge()) and lifecycle (use_lifecycle_badge("experimental")) badges to the README .
Added README.Rmd as the homepage for the package (use_readme_rmd()).
Created base package help documentation page (use_package_doc()).
Base setup
Added support for documentation spellcheck (use_spell_check()).
Added support for roxygen2 functionality for functions and data documentation (use_roxygen_md()).
Added support for better GitHub contributions (use_tidy_github()).
Added a file to track changes to the package.