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The goal of redcap.gpt is to …

Project organization

The project is deveolped encapsulated with renv, so that if you clone it to develop it your environment of packages will be automatically set correctly.

At first start, follow the instruction, and next:


Main folder and file you can find are:

  • analyses/: here you can find the prototype scripts for the analyses, they are divided in stages:
    • connect.R: to perform the connection.
    • fetch.R: to retrieve the data from REDCap.
    • gpt-query.R: to process the textual information with GPT.
    • write.R: to write the updated information back to REDCap.
    • cycle.R: to perform a complete cycle of updated.

Note that every stage is automatically included in the subsequent one, i.e. if you run the fetch.R it automatically manage the connection!

  • R/: all the scripts containing the functions used in teh project
  • _targets.R: the pipeline definition (see the “Automatically (manually triggered from R)” section for more details)
  • .Renviron-template: a file containing the environmental varibale you must include in your (user, or project) .Renviron file to make the project able to execute the queries to REDCap and GPT.


First things, you must set the correct environmental variables for the project.

  • If you have cloned the project for development purpose, make a copy of the .Renviron-template file, renaming it as .Renviron, and complete all the information it requires (i.e., uri, pid and token for REDCap, and token for GPT). your new .Renviron should be placed in the project folder itself, i.e., in the same folder of .Renviron-template.

  • If you are running/executing the program only, you need to install the package (i.e., running pak::pkg_install("UBESP-DCTV/redcap.gpt")), open your global .Renviron (i.e., running usethis::edit_r_environ()), and add the evornmental variables reported in the .Renviron-template file (including “your” vaules for them).

Next restart your R session, and you are ready to go.

NOTE: currently this project is taylored to be executed on a specific project with specific requirements (predefiend query/prompt, forms/instruments affected, …). So, if you are part of the UBEP development/execute team for the project everything just work as decided; otherwise if you are here to use this project as a template for your businnes, you need to fork/copy it and customize all the specific aspects, i.e. forms, instruments names, base-prompt part for the query, etc. You can start from the analyses/cycle.R and look back inside each defined function (you can find in teh R/ folder) to customize all the elements.


You have multiple option execute the fetching/processing/updating cycle.

Full Manualy

Customize and run analyses/write.R or analyses/update.R

Automatically (manually triggered from R)



to spin up the targets pipeline managing all the stages automatically. (For more details on how targets works see its manual).

Automatically (manually triggered from bash)

First install the package.


This assume:

  • you have not cloned the project or, anyway, you are not in an R session inside the project folder.
  • You have setup all the environmental variables on your user .Renviron (you can open it in edit mode by running in R usethis::edit_r_environ()).
# install.packages("pak")

Next copy the analyses/cycle.R script (from the repo) to your preferred location in your file system, and run it by Rscript

$ Rscript "cycle.R"

Automatically (and automatically triggered form bash)

For this you can take advantage of cronjob. E.g., to make the cycle running every night at 23:59 you can open your crontab editor

$ crontab -e

and add the directive

59 23 * * * Rscript "/path/to/cycle.R" >> /path/to/redcap.gpt.log 2>&1

Save and exit.


Here’s what each part means:

59: The minute when the script will run (59th minute).
23: The hour when the script will run (23rd hour, i.e., 11 PM).
* * *: These asterisks represent the day of the month, month, and day of the week, respectively. The * means "any value," so this script will run every day.

Make sure to replace /path/to/your/cycle.R with the actual path to your cycle.R script., and /path/to/redcap.gpt.log with the actual path of your (possibly newly created) redcap.gpt.log log file (e.g. ~/redcap.gpt.log). Pay attention that crontab cannot expand ~, so write full absolute paths to the interested files.

To check the cron job has been added and it is active now:

$ crontab -l

The log file created will contain, e.g. if there are no new records to process, the following informations

ℹ START: 2024-08-23 00:24:02.527286
• Fetching REDCap data...
✔ form 14/30/60 fup fetched
✔ form 90 fup fetched
✔ Fetching completed.
• Querying GPT...
0 records to process for note_fup on form 14/30/60 fup.
✔ note_fup on form 14/30/60 fup queried and processed.
0 records to process for comments_fup on form 14/30/60 fup.
✔ comments_fup on form 14/30/60 fup queried and processed.
0 records to process for details_fup on form 90 fup.
✔ details_fup on form 90 fup queried and processed.
0 records to process overall.
✔ Queries completed.
• Updating REDCap DB...
ℹ No more records to process for note_fup on 14/30/60 fup.
ℹ No more records to process for comments_fup on 14/30/60 fup.
ℹ No more records to process for details_fup on 90 fup.
0 instruments out of three were updated on REDCap DB.
ℹ END: 2024-08-23 00:24:05.574185

Code of Conduct

Please note that the redcap.gpt project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.