Day Two:
Filter and Select

30 min approx



  • What are Tidy data, why are they useful(, and how to transform untidy data to tidy one)?
  • How to select some variables/columns only?
  • How to filter rows/cases that match certain conditions?

Lesson Objectives

To be able to

  • (Use pivot_*, separate, unite function from the tidyr package in the Tidyverse to reshape data into tidy one.)
  • Select/filter columns/rows of tibbles (i.e., data frames).

Data shape

Tidy data

Illustrations from the Openscapes blog Tidy Data for reproducibility, efficiency, and collaboration by Julia Lowndes and Allison Horst

Untidy data

Illustrations from the Openscapes blog Tidy Data for reproducibility, efficiency, and collaboration by Julia Lowndes and Allison Horst

Why tidy data

Illustrations from the Openscapes blog Tidy Data for reproducibility, efficiency, and collaboration by Julia Lowndes and Allison Horst

Tidy rules

There are three interrelated rules that make a dataset tidy:

  1. Each variable is a column; each column is a variable.
  2. Each observation is a row; each row is an observation.
  3. Each value is a cell; each cell is a single value.

Why untidy data

  • Data is often organized to facilitate some goal other than analysis. For example, it’s common for data to be structured to make data entry, not analysis, easy.

Example: tidyverse::billboard dataset.1




  • information in column:
    • wk1-wk76 should be a single variable: the week.
    • cell values of wk1-wk76 should be a single variable: the rank.

Start Tidying - tidyr::pivot_longer [Optional]

  • Data is often organized to facilitate some goal other than analysis. For example, it’s common for data to be structured to make data entry, not analysis, easy.

billboard |> 
    cols = starts_with("wk"),
    names_to = "week",
    values_to = "rank"


  • tidyr::pivot_longer convert your data in “longer” format
  • cols: select which variable should be pivoting
  • names_to: define the column hosting the cols colnames
  • values_to: define the column hosting the cols values


Many possibly uninformative missing information!

Start Tidying - tidyr::pivot_longer [Optional]

  • Data is often organized to facilitate some goal other than analysis. For example, it’s common for data to be structured to make data entry, not analysis, easy.

billboard |> 
    cols = starts_with("wk"),
    names_to = "week",
    values_to = "rank",
    values_drop_na = TRUE


  • tidyr::pivot_longer convert your data in “longer” format
  • cols: select which variable should be pivoting
  • names_to: define the column hosting the cols colnames
  • values_to: define the column hosting the cols values
  • values_drop_na: decide if rows with missing information in values should be removed

Selectors 1

  • var1:var10: variables lying between var1 on the left and var10 on the right.

  • starts_with("a"): names that start with “a”.

  • ends_with("z"): names that end with “z”.

  • contains("b"): names that contain “b”.

  • matches("x.y"): names that match regular expression x.y. 2

  • num_range(x, 1:4): names following the pattern, x1, x2, …, x4.

  • all_of(vars)/any_of(vars): names stored in the character vector vars. all_of(vars) will error if the variables aren’t present; any_of(var) will match just the variables that exist.

  • everything(): all variables.

  • last_col(): furthest column on the right.

  • where(is.numeric): all variables where is.numeric() returns TRUE.


  • !selection: only variables that don’t match selection.

  • selection1 & selection2: only variables included in both selection1 and selection2.

  • selection1 | selection2: all variables that match either selection1 or selection2

Multiple variable in colnames [Optional]



In case of multiple variable in each colname, you can pivoting them maintaining the underling structure. This way you can separate them in a further second step…

who2 |> 
    cols = !(country:year),
    names_to = "diagnosis_gender_age", 
    values_to = "count"

Multiple variable in colnames [Optional]



In case of multiple variable in each colname, you can pivoting them maintaining the underling structure. This way you can separate them in a further second step using tidyr::separate.

who2 |> 
    cols = !(country:year),
    names_to = "diagnosis_gender_age", 
    values_to = "count"
  ) |> 
    col = diagnosis_gender_age,
    into = c("diagnosis", "gender", "age"),
    sep = "_"

Multiple variable in colnames [Optional]

who2 |> 
    cols = !(country:year),
    names_to = "diagnosis_gender_age", 
    values_to = "count"
  ) |> 
    col = diagnosis_gender_age,
    into = c("diagnosis", "gender", "age"),
    sep = "_"
who2 |> 
    cols = !(country:year),
    names_to = c("diagnosis", "gender", "age"), 
    names_sep = "_",
    values_to = "count"


You can also separate colnames containing multiple variables, and matching a regular pattern, into multiple variable in a single step.

tidyr::pivot_wider [Optional]

Image from Data Carpentry’s R for Social Scientists

Reverse pivot - tidyr::pivot_wider

Animation of tidyverse verbs by Garrick Aden-Buie

Reverse pivot - example [Optional]


bb_pivoted_twice <- billboard |> 
    cols = starts_with("wk"),
    names_to = "week",
    values_to = "rank"
  ) |>
    names_from = "week",
    values_from = "rank" 

  billboard |> remove_empty("cols"),
  bb_pivoted_twice |> remove_empty("cols")
[1] TRUE

Your turn [optional]

Your turn

  1. Answer in the pad, with an “x” next to the correct answers.
  • What are the main option for pivot_longer?
  • What are the main option for pivot_wider?

  • names_from
  • names_to
  • values_from
  • values_to
  1. Open the scripts 09-pivot_longer.R and 10-pivot_wider.R, and follow the instruction.


  • To transform a table to a longer one, you need to put some of its columns names_to a new column, and their corresponding values_to another one! Possibly allowing values_drop_na.

  • To transform a table to a wider one, you need to take new column names_from an existing column, and their corresponding values_from the associated one! Possibly with created missing values_filled.

My turn [optional]

YOU: Connect to our pad ( and write there questions & doubts (and if I am too slow or too fast)

ME: Connect to the Day-3 project in RStudio cloud ( script 11-pivoting.R

Data management

dplyr - intro

Common structure:

  • The first argument is always a data frame
  • The subsequent arguments typically describe which columns to operate on, using the variable names (without quotes).
  • The output is always a new data frame.


All verbs in Tidyverse are designed to do one thing mainly, and to it well! So, to solve complex problem we will often combine multiple verbs, and we use the pipe (|>) as we are already familiar!

Rows - dplyr::filter [side-by-side]


dplyr::filter allows you to keep rows based on the values of the columns.


db <- here("data-raw", "Copenhagen_clean.xlsx") |> 
  import(setclass = "tibble")

db |> 
  filter(age < 18)

Rows - conditions [side-by-side]

We can use any kind of condition inside dplyr::filter; e.g.,


db |> 
  filter((age < 18) & case)


If a variable is already a logical one, you can use it directly as it is as a condition! E.g.

db |> 
  filter(case) ## instead of case == TRUE

db |> 
  filter(!case) ## instead of case == FALSE

Rows - conditions [side-by-side]

We can use any kind of condition inside dplyr::filter; e.g.,


db |> 
  filter(gastrosymptoms | ate_anything)

Rows - conditions [side-by-side]

We can use any kind of condition inside dplyr::filter; e.g.,


db |> 
  filter(age %in% 19:25)

Rows - conditions [side-by-side]

We can use any kind of condition inside dplyr::filter; e.g.,

Not equal

db |> 
  filter(group != "student")

Rows - multiple conditions [side-by-side]

We can also combine together multiple condition of arbitrary complexity at once

db |> 
  filter(!((age < 18) & case))


It could be difficult to remind the priority order of logical operators. Using parentheses to group each conditions is a safe way to not be wrong!

Columns - dplyr::select [side-by-side]

For analyses, you do not need to remove columns from your dataset, but it could be extremely useful to see more clearly only the data you need to see time to time.1

You can select the column to keep using the dplyr::select() verb providing:

The variables you like to keep


db |> 
  select(sex, age, case)

Columns - dplyr::select [side-by-side]

For analyses, you do not need to remove columns from your dataset, but it could be extremely useful to see more clearly only the data you need to see time to time.1

You can select the column to keep using the dplyr::select() verb providing:

A range of variables you like to keep


db |> 

Columns - dplyr::select [side-by-side]

For analyses, you do not need to remove columns from your dataset, but it could be extremely useful to see more clearly only the data you need to see time to time.1

You can select the column to keep using the dplyr::select() verb providing:

Excludig the selection (!)


db |> 

Columns - dplyr::select [side-by-side]

For analyses, you do not need to remove columns from your dataset, but it could be extremely useful to see more clearly only the data you need to see time to time.1

You can select the column to keep using the dplyr::select() verb providing:

Matching a condition - where


db |> 

Selectors 1 [side-by-side]

  • var1:var10: variables lying between var1 on the left and var10 on the right.

  • starts_with("a"): names that start with “a”.

  • ends_with("z"): names that end with “z”.

  • contains("b"): names that contain “b”.

  • matches("x.y"): names that match regular expression x.y. 2

  • num_range(x, 1:4): names following the pattern, x1, x2, …, x4.

  • all_of(vars)/any_of(vars): names stored in the character vector vars. all_of(vars) will error if the variables aren’t present; any_of(var) will match just the variables that exist.

  • everything(): all variables.

  • last_col(): furthest column on the right.

  • where(is.numeric): all variables where is.numeric() returns TRUE.


  • !selection: only variables that don’t match selection.

  • selection1 & selection2: only variables included in both selection1 and selection2.

  • selection1 | selection2: all variables that match either selection1 or selection2

Your turn (main: A; bk1: B; bk2: C)

Your turn

  1. Answer in the pad, under the section 3.2. Ex17, and 3.2. Ex18.

  2. Then, open the script 11-filter.R and 12-select.R, and follow the instruction.




  • you can put arbitrary complex conditions returning logical vectors of the same length of the number of rows of the data frame, involving any column of the data frame in use also.
  • all_of(vec) is for strict selection. If any of the variables in the character vec is missing, an error is thrown.
  • any_of(vec) doesn’t check for missing variables. It is especially useful with negative selections, when you would like to make sure a variable is removed.

My turn

YOU: Connect to our pad ( and write there questions & doubts (and if I am too slow or too fast)

ME: Connect to the Day-3 project in RStudio cloud ( script 12-filter-and-select.R


To create the current lesson, we explored, used, and adapted content from the following resources:

The slides are made using Posit’s Quarto open-source scientific and technical publishing system powered in R by Yihui Xie’s Kintr.

Additional resources


This work by Corrado Lanera, Ileana Baldi, and Dario Gregori is licensed under CC BY 4.0
