UBEP: Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health - University of Padova (ITALY)

UBEP R-Tidyverse Course to ECDC


Corrado Lanera

Ileana Baldi

Dario Gregori

Framework contract: ECDC/2023/027 “Biostatistics Services” – RS/2023/PHF/25462


The main objective of the present request for services is to provide an online R course (duration of 2 days, delivered in 4 different half days) for 3 different groups of 10 participants in 3 different time slots, targeting the supervisors of EPIET/EUPHEM and MediPIET fellows. The training course is expected to cover an introduction to R for data management, analysis and visualization.

Course content

This course will provide an introduction to R using public health examples, covering the following topics:

  • About R and R basics, using RStudio projects, and tips for file organization
  • Importing data, including with the {here} and {rio} R packages
  • Data exploration and tidy data formats
  • Cleaning data with {tidyverse} R functions
  • Making descriptive tables with the {janitor}, {flextable}, {dplyr}, and {gtsummary} R packages, including basic statistics
  • Basics of data visualization with {ggplot2}, including epidemic curves
  • The basics of R Markdown

Time frame

The time frame for this project is estimated at 6 months. The final deliverable shall be delivered no later than 31st March 2024.

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